Benefits of KAMA Ayurveda’s Hair Care Range

Posted on September 4, 2020 by Sonal. My hair is the most important part in explaining what type of activity I will perform in the whole day. If I am chilling at home with my family, then I may get my hair oiled by my Mom otherwise if I have to do something then IContinue reading “Benefits of KAMA Ayurveda’s Hair Care Range”

My take on using Face washes

Posted on August 26, 2020 by Sonal. I believe that a face cleanser should be mild and nourishing because our face is the most sensitive part of the skin and it does not have to be harsh to clean the face. By using some good face washes, I feel that a good-formula face wash hasContinue reading “My take on using Face washes”

Benefits of BIOTIQUE’S Bio Cucumber Toner

Posted on August 22, 2020 by Sonal. A perfect face plays an important role in portraying the best version of yourself in every field of life whether it be work, festival, function, or being happy at home. But we all know that to achieve anything, we have to work on it so for a cleanContinue reading “Benefits of BIOTIQUE’S Bio Cucumber Toner”

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